Open Registration ! Intensive Course & Oral Course for O-LEVEL ChineseIntensive Course for O-LEVEL Chinese O水准华文冲刺班 Many EX-MOE teachers who were from SAP school (e.g. Hwa Chong& Chung Cheng) come to provide quality lessons for students. Through specially designed teaching materials, this course helpsstudents to revise what they had learnt before, while equipping them withuseful examinations skills in greater depth, such as listening, speaking,reading and writing. Critical skills to score for all components of O-Levelsyllabus of CHINESE (1160) ·Cloze passages exercises 综合填空 ·Reading comprehension practice 阅读理解一、阅读理解二 ·Email writing 私人电邮、公务电邮 ·Composition writing 记叙文、说明文、议论文、材料作文 ·Mock examination 模拟考试 Oral Course for O-LEVEL Chinese O水准华文口试冲刺班 After completing our Oral Intensive Course, students would be wellprepared for the new Oral Examination format. At the same time, students willlearn how to form their own opinions regarding real life experiences, and howto verbalize their thoughts in a well-organized and fluent manner.